Xth Sense: Wearable Biosensors
The "Xth Sense™" is a new type of wearable musical instrument. It consists of wearable bionsensors that track muscle contraction and movement, and converts this information into sound and visuals. Caselden Studios developed the first wireless version of this invention for dancers in an interactive multi-media performance, RADICAL: Signs of Life, directed by Heidi Biosvert.
How Does it Work?
As the participants move, muscles contract, creating vibrations. These vibrations are referred to as MMG, or mechanomyogram signals. The Xth Sense detects these vibrations, and transmits the signal through the air to laptops, where they generate sound and visual projections. Here is a video of dancers in action using the sensors:
Our Role:
Artist Marco Donnarumma approached us with the first prototype, and asked us to produce a wireless version for the performance. Caselden Studios developed a wireless version of the design, delivering custom firmware, wearable embedded systems, circuit design for the sensors, and PCB fabrication for batch production. We also contributed to the spatial layout of electronics across bodies, ensuring that the designs were dancer-appropriate.
The design and event was so successful that the two leading artists have developed this technology into a product, and launched a company called Xth.io
Xth Sense Design + Engineering
Electronics, PCBs, Firmware, Wireless Transmission: Caselden Studios
Sensor Design + Interaction Design: Marco Donnarumma
Industrial Design: Krystal Persaud
Wearable Design: Heidi Boisvert, Krystal Persaud, Caselden Studios, Amy Nielson
[Radical] Signs of Life Performance Production
Concept and Direction: Heidi Boisvert
Choreography: Pauline Jennings
Dancers: Jennifer Mellor, Ellen Smith Ahern, Hanna Satterlee, Avi Waring and Willow Wonder
Sound Design: Doug Van Nort
Set & Light Design: Allen Hahn
Visual Design: Raven Kwok
Costume Design: Amy Nielson